A very nice lunch in Kampala, Uganda
A very nice lunch in Kampala, Uganda
Susan invited us for a delicious lunch
In april we had a very impressive vacation in Uganda. We visited the projects from 22Stars kids Foundation in Kampala, Acholi Quarter and in Jinja, Masese. We got a warm welcome at the airport. The 22Stars team came by bus to welcome us, with music instruments, singing and dancing.

The next day we walked through the Acholi Quarterwhere the people showed us proudly their small businesses with groceries- and street food stores; one woman showed us her hair salon and a man made for us popcorn with his own popcorn machine; they are beneficiaries of the small Business Program from 22Stars. Another man, who got a small loan to start a busines, told us that he can send his children to school now by himself.

It’s so nice to see how it has developed here over the past six years since I was here last time. Of course we had also to try the home-brewed beer, that wasn’t bad, I liked it 😊

We had a nice lunch with the children, up the hill, where we were singing and dancing together and enjoyed the wonderful lunch. Susan and the ladies cook together at the 22Stars office, where they have a kitchen; then they bring everything uphill. Susan and her family have their home in the 22Stars office and also some of the ladies, who work for 22Stars, are living there .

Thanks to the sponsors lots of children are able to goto school and they are very motivated to learn at school. “Education is the key!”
We visited the ‘Daystar School’, Mayuge - here are also some of the children of 22Stars Foundation. The teacher Andrew asked us to plant some trees and bushes and the children will take care of the newly planted trees andbushes.

And we visited the Junior school ‘Hopeland’, Maija; the ladies from the Acholi quarter brought the food with them and we ate together. The teachers and children prepared a nice talent-showfor us; they were singing and dancing and playing music.

And, of cause, we were invited for a very nice lunchat Susan’s home.

I’m happy to share two recipes with you.
Recipe fish: Tilapia
Recipe: Irish Potatoes
In my next blog I will write about our visit in Jinja with Aida and David.
If you are interested in a intersting nice vacation to meet Susan and have a lunch with the kids, you can contact my daughterStella: www.socialnomads.com
In my book Pippa & Paul, stories for the little World Citizens I have written a nice story about my vacation six years ago.

We did also a nice sightseeing tour in Kampala, where we visited the Kabaka’s Palace(Kabaka=King) with the Idi Amin’s Armoury, the Parlament (Swahili – Bunge), ,the Catholic Cathedral St. Mary, the National Mosque / Gadhafi Mosque and the
Bahai Temple, a place for reflection accessible to everyone.

We visited the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary and did a wonderful safari atMurchison Falls Park.

My books with similar stories are also available in Dutch, German and Italian ‚ Pippa and Paul, stories for the little worldcitizens‘ ISBN 9783961720651 ‚Pipke und Popke, Erlebnisse kleiner Weltbürger‘ ISBN 9783943054880 ‚Pipke en Popke,verhaaltjes voor de kleine wereldburger’ ISBN 9789082479300 ‘Pippa e Paolo, storie per piccoli cittadini delmondo’ ISBN 9783691720781
They are also available as E-book: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B08HHBSNDN/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apa_l0twFb7ZMJK8Y Pippa and Paul, stories for the little world citizens https://www.amazon.de/dp/B08HHBSNDN/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apa_l0twFb7ZMJK8Y Pipke & Popke, Erlebnisse kleiner Weltbürger https://www.kobo.com/nl/nl/ebook/pipke-popke Pipke und Popke, verhaaltjes voor de kleine wereldburger Pippa e Paolo: storie perpiccoli cittadini del mondo (Italian Edition) eBook : Oosterbeek-Airoldi,
Romana: Amazon.nl: Kindle Store Pippa e Paolo, storie per piccoli cittadini del mondo
With thepurchase of my book you support the children of the 22Stars Foundation FOUNDATION 22STARS /support kids in Uganda to go to school