How do I get my recipes from all over the world?
Hello, dear friends, as you know I wrote my children’s book in different languages: ‘Pipke en Popke, verhaaltjes voor de kleine wereldburger’ and ‘Pipke and Popke, Erlebnisse kleiner Weltbürger’ for young children up to 6 years old as well as ‘Pippa and Paul, stories for the little World Citizens’ and Pippa e Paolo, storie per piccoli cittadini del mondo’ for children aged 7 to 10 years old, with a lot of information about other cultures, interesting trips to Uganda, Scotland, a cruise from Athen to Dubai and information about healthy food and with nice recipes from all over the world.
All books are available via www.Amazon.de and Bol.com also as an E-Book.
ISBN German: 9783943054880 ISBN Dutch: 9789082479300 ISBN English: 9783961720651 ISBN Italian:9783961720651
More information you can find at my website www.romana-airoldi.com.
With my stories, I would like to contribute to a better understanding between cultures.
My little heroes have friends from different countries and beside playing with each other, they also like to eat together and to try delicious meals from their own kitchen – how we say: ‘love goes through the stomach’.
So I came up with the idea to write blogs with nice recipes from all over the world and share them with you.
The recipe ‘Apple bread’, from my friend Sabine from Germany, I want to share with you again (last time one year ago, at 6 Nov. 2020 in German).
I met Sabine two years ago. It clicked right away. Sabine is a woman with many talents; she likes to tinker and loves cooking delicious meals. These are two things that I also like to do very much.
For my birthday, Sabine sent me a delicious apple bread and this recipe I want to share with you.